Is mine disaster coming? Bitcoin miners’ daily income has fallen by 50%, Ethereum miners have fallen by nearly 60%

According to Ycharts statistics, the current average daily total income of Bitcoin miners is $28.15 million, a slight increase from $26.57 million the previous week, but a full drop from $40.53 million on May 1 Compared with the peak of 74.42 million US dollars reached on October 25 last year, the decline has exceeded 62%.


Due to the unsatisfactory income of miners, the computing power level of the entire Bitcoin network has also been affected. According to Ycharts data, the current computing power of Bitcoin is 231.83MTH/s, compared with the historical high of 266.41MTH/s set on June 8. , a drop of 12.98%.

According to “TheCoinRepublic” report, the decline in the computing power of the entire Bitcoin network is likely to be related to the decline in the mining revenue of miners. While some miners may choose to use their Bitcoin holdings to prop up their mining activities, others may find themselves unfit to keep up, and as a result, shut down their mining rigs and withdraw from the market.

The average daily income of ether miners fell by nearly 60% compared with the beginning of the year

Ethereum miners, on the other hand, are just as bad. According to TheBlock data, the average daily mining income of Ethereum miners is currently US$24.36 million, a drop of 81% compared to the record high of US$130 million set in May last year. If compared with US$57.82 million in early January this year in contrast, the decline is still as high as 58%.


At the same time, the profitability of Ethereum mining has shown a significant downward trend. According to the latest data from Bitinfochart, the profitability of Ethereum mining is currently an average daily profit of $0.0179 per 1MHash/s, which is a drop of 69.03% compared to the average daily profit of $0.0578 at the beginning of this year.

Affected by the continuous plunge in cryptocurrency prices, the current mining machine prices have also fallen sharply, but for investors who believe that cryptocurrencies will rebound in the future, now may be a good time to invest.

Post time: Jul-25-2022